I really like the title of this post because its ironic. Ha.

Get it… Because this blog is definitely not popular.

Oh Irony! For those who may read this post, which is actually highly unlikely for reasons sited above, and argue that what I have done above is not irony but some other literary technique that I have forgotten then I apologise.

Although I am not sorry. Honestly speaking that is.

But getting back on track- the reason I even decided to post was because two, yes TWO people in my daily life have made reference to this blog since I started posting. I naturally am mind blown, although not quite enough to get rid of the constant chatter, seeing as I have mentioned this blog to not a soul. My only advertising a subtle link to it on my Instagram. Who knew that people actually care enough to click the blue hyperlink!

At this point in time I should add this I have consumed a very very large amount of sugar tonight so the web of thoughts in my head are definitely on overload.

I have very fun things to share though so I will definitely get onto sharing them. When I feel like it… Just so you don’t hold me any kind of deadline. I do not do schedules or deadlines very well.

To the two people reading this I sincerely hope we can still be friends despite the insanity that is my mind on written canvas… Although if you know me in real life then you already know this.

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